
Pharmacology Industry

India is pegged as the biggest pharmaceutical manufacturing country. The statistics reveal that India’s domestic pharmaceutical market is estimated at 42 Billion USD and is likely to scale up to 65 Billion USD by 2024. The growth rate is phenomenal, and currently, India holds the 3rd position in manufacturing. However, with the advent of robotic manufacturing machines and IoT-enabled controls, pharmaceutical companies have much scope to grow. We have a dedicated team that will advise you on which technology will be best suited and cost-efficient.

PraveenLakshmi & Co Chartered Accountants help pharmaceutical companies to maintain a decorum between manufacturing costs and raw materials used, to regulate the Company’s expenses. Our dedicated staff is on page with the newest happenings and nuances of this ever-evolving industry. In addition, we help you with solutions to plan Tax Returns, Book-keeping, Mergers & Acquisitions, fundraising, and money-saving techniques. Our services for this industry cater to both established and start-up companies.

Some salient features of our services are listed below:

  • Streamlining Operations
  • Revamping your Business model
  • Help in Approvals
  • Advisory services on your Company’s online presence

PraveenLakshmi & Co Chartered Accountants services for Pharma Industries help you with all standard taxation and advise how you can Digitally Transform your Company and disrupt the market.